Sunday, October 18, 2009

we can label our posts????

so, the weekend is over. which is bad news for the lazy people. and good news for workaholics. =D

saturday, we went to nbk to start off the weekend. we played cod awal2. and first game was short cos we forgot to remove the kill limit. second one, I owned. tying up with pro wafie at first place. =D while everyone was having fun with shotguns, rpgs, rifles and grenade launchers, I had gun with my trusty ol' smg and my knife. once, I had a 7-kill killing spree with my knife. all in just a matter of seconds. I knifed marule, then some other guy who tried to kill me, and another, and another till 7 people. and I was so close to a choppa. darnn. but I did get a choppa there. =D I think. oh, and my last kill, right before the timer was up was on wafie. I threw a c4 cos I saw him coming. then he ran into it and BOOM! match ended. and then baru ku sadar because of that kill, I got top place. =D sorry wafiee.
then they played at bloc. which is where snipers lovee. so they all used their trusty snipers and camped. but I, from experience, know that if you arent good with one, dont use it. so I used my trusty smg again. and again, I owned. heheh. got the first choppa too. =D

then dorang main dota and left me allll alone. =[ ah well. went home soon after anyways.

that night, dad brought us to the MOH raya thing. was fun. =D lots of singing. too much I think. best part was when the high ranking people (dad and pehins) were forced to hand flowers to their singing counterparts. and on their way to the stage, they danced. =D funny stuff. it took too long tho. we left at 11+. so yep.

tomorrow, there's GP exams so I'm guessing most classes will be empty for half of the day. so I hope most classes will be cancelled for half of the day. I pray that it will. x]

so goodluck to all exam takers. =]
and score biiiiiigg. =D

today, I woke up at 12 and I had a massive headache. but I finished a chem past year while suffering from it. incredible! p1 pulang saja, but yeah. x] then I slept till 6 and I was all better. =D but because I slept, I had little time to finish em. she gave us chem homeworks too, you see. and I was the only one in my class who was given past year homeworks. so I had normal and past year homeworks to be submitted. how poo-ey is thaaaaat? I've done most so I guess I'm okay. for now. dum dum daaaaaaaa~!


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