the big question is: why aree there colours in this world? and how are they formed?
well first, if you studied science, you probably have been taught that black surfaces absorb more heat than white surfaces. and also, you know the colours of the rainbow: VIBGYOR. these colours are what makes up VISIBLE LIGHT. and each colour has it's own 'wavelength'. or length, so to speak.
why stuff have colours is this.
each item CAN absorb these visible light colours (why it absorbs it is pretty difficult to explain). they show a specific colour by absorbing all colours except the one that it shows. for example, a red scarf absorbs all of the VIBGYOR colours except red. red is reflected to our eyes. that's why we see a red colour.
simple enough right?
so what shows black and white?
white stuff REFLECTS ALL the colours. that's why white surfaces are good REFLECTORS of light/heat.
and black stuff ABSORBS ALL the colours. that's why black surfaces are good ABSORBERS of light/heat.
so you gotta be asking, then why is water colourless? why is anything colourless?
these items also DO absorb colours, but not from visible light. there are other types of lights like ultraviolet and infrared. these colours are invisible to our naked eye. and these items absorbs these invisible light. that's why they're colourless.
and and, there's a specific light called microwave. and water only absorbs this type of light. this is the main theory behind MICROWAVE OVENS! all of the microwave-able plates are solids which dont have water in them. but stuff on it (like chicken and stuff) HAVE water in it. these water molecules abosrb the microwave light and gain heat. this heat heats up the things you want to heat! and voila! the theory of physics of LIGHT!
now the readers of my blog(and hopefully, this post) are officially intellectuals. =D
congratulate yourselves and gives yourselves pats on the back. now go show it off to other people. :D
ooh, and retarded me have just figured this out.
ozone layer : a layer of OZONE! (oxygen molecules: O2, ozone molecules: O3)
ultraVIOLET light : the region of light farther above VIOLET.
infraRED light : the region of light lower than RED.
more facts to wow your friends in the future. if I'm smart enough to figure out any of them. =D
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