Saturday, October 24, 2009

tall people have THE worst height perception.

Have I ever told you the story of when I got circumsized?
Well come here and listen well.

If you think I'm telling you that, you'd have to be CRAZY or just plain SIIIICCKKKK. yuucckkk.
plus, there is no story. unless I had such an amazing hoohoo that it needed a story. HAH! =D

anyways I just realised.
I trip over stuff a lot. not tripping like falling over, face down, but you know. those small falls that you get when you kick something while walking. it's either I'm just super clumsy, or that I'm so tall that some stuff looks farther away to me. and so I accidentally trip over them. =D
I wonder what those small trips are called. journeys. ha-haaaa. lameee.

it has been a boring daayy. maths was boring. chem was even more boring. ths was antah. and then ps. that was okay I guess. then it was 2 hour bio afternoon class. which was crazy boring.
on the way home, I noticed that the weather was spectacular. =D it wasn't hot, but it was a nice shade of warmth. so instead of using the air cond, I lowered the windows and felt the ugly smelling bruneian breeze smacking against my face. and that, ladies and gentlemen, was one of the wonders of today.
and that kept me in a weirdly good mood.
until ameen took the astro card and the internet being crazy ass laggy and ajeeb coming back from ugama. Imagine me, skipping away through my heavenly looking grassland-field when suddenly, jason comes and chops me to pieces. that's them. they're eeeeeeviiiiilll.

oh yeah, and I bet the closest thing si ajeeb will get to a girlfriend, is my cat, salamo. why?
at home, the first thing he grabs is salamo. then talks to it. and then kisses it back to back on its head. and never lets it go. and also laughs with it and looks it in the eyes and stuff. creeeeeeeeepy.
I've heard of incest, but that is just so damn weird.

you know, I think if I added up all the time I've been using for games and for chit-chatting and goofing off with all my friends and blogging, it'd be almost half a year or something. that's half a year that I could've spent learning the guitar or studying or learning a language. or just something productive, like reading stuff. which would've been much more beneficial.
so now, I'd just like to say.... TIME WELL SPENT! =D

I wonder when we'll be checking out our temporary house again.


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