Saturday, October 31, 2009

i think someone tried to pump air into my brain. and forgot to release it.

today was my first day off. yay! =D
and here's what I think of day offs.
everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY, knows day offs are awesomee. they help us rest. and relaxx. and not care about anything in the world. except for snacks. and toilets. they're how we get through the day offs.
anywayss, teachers also have day offs. so they should know that they're good for us. so they should allow any number of day offs for us. =DD

my head feels like it's gonna explode. gahh.


Thursday, October 29, 2009

hear ye, hear ye.

here's a fact that you may not know before and can use to wow your friends with your super smart intellectual brain. =D

the big question is: why aree there colours in this world? and how are they formed?
well first, if you studied science, you probably have been taught that black surfaces absorb more heat than white surfaces. and also, you know the colours of the rainbow: VIBGYOR. these colours are what makes up VISIBLE LIGHT. and each colour has it's own 'wavelength'. or length, so to speak.

why stuff have colours is this.
each item CAN absorb these visible light colours (why it absorbs it is pretty difficult to explain). they show a specific colour by absorbing all colours except the one that it shows. for example, a red scarf absorbs all of the VIBGYOR colours except red. red is reflected to our eyes. that's why we see a red colour.
simple enough right?

so what shows black and white?
white stuff REFLECTS ALL the colours. that's why white surfaces are good REFLECTORS of light/heat.
and black stuff ABSORBS ALL the colours. that's why black surfaces are good ABSORBERS of light/heat.

so you gotta be asking, then why is water colourless? why is anything colourless?
these items also DO absorb colours, but not from visible light. there are other types of lights like ultraviolet and infrared. these colours are invisible to our naked eye. and these items absorbs these invisible light. that's why they're colourless.

and and, there's a specific light called microwave. and water only absorbs this type of light. this is the main theory behind MICROWAVE OVENS! all of the microwave-able plates are solids which dont have water in them. but stuff on it (like chicken and stuff) HAVE water in it. these water molecules abosrb the microwave light and gain heat. this heat heats up the things you want to heat! and voila! the theory of physics of LIGHT!

now the readers of my blog(and hopefully, this post) are officially intellectuals. =D
congratulate yourselves and gives yourselves pats on the back. now go show it off to other people. :D

ooh, and retarded me have just figured this out.
ozone layer : a layer of OZONE! (oxygen molecules: O2, ozone molecules: O3)
ultraVIOLET light : the region of light farther above VIOLET.
infraRED light : the region of light lower than RED.

more facts to wow your friends in the future. if I'm smart enough to figure out any of them. =D


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

a word of thanks.

this post is for the best ever telecommunications provider in the whole world,

thanks to telbru, I now have a 3-5kb/s internet at home! which is waaaaaayyyyy better than no internet at all. thank youuuuu, telbru. =D (I think I'd prefer no internet tho.)
also, I deeply appreciate the promises that telbru people make to us but never fulfill. it makes us feel like we're special, and gives us a meaning in a life: to wait till they come back and fix our internet. I now have maggots growing out of my brain, but that's okay. I'm like a life giver, giving life to creatures now. way to go, telbru! =D
and we mustn't forget about all the other awesome things they have done for me..... NOTHING. absolutely nothing.
they're actually saving their energy by doing nothing, so they can taunt us with more unfulfilled promises, and go to our houses and act as if they're fixing our modems. they sure know how to strategize well. =D
it's been more than a year since my internet has been very laggy and it's only taken them about 3 or 4 visits to my house to make the internet here so laggy. which I personally think cannot be achieved by any other telecommunications services in the world. that's how awesome they are. and we should be very proud of them.

once again, I'd like to give my sincerest thanks, from the bottom of my (ice-cold) heart, to the best ever service provider in the entiree world! thanks telbru. you make my internet life, hell on earth. and that's how it should be. =]



ths was cruuuuuuuuuddd. they changed the format. =\
inda pulang entirelyy. but the last part was changed. it was supposed to be a 5 mark - 5 mark- 3 mark question. now it was a 1-3-6-5 mark question. how does that suck? well the easy 3 mark question was now 5 marks. which meant that it needed a lot of writing. and 6 mark one needs more and more writing. and the supposed-to-be 5 marks now had less marks. which sucked. aanddd, to make matters worse, I only had 15 mins to do that question. so I was pretty unlucky. the others I went overdrive. my first question was worth like 4 marks but I went crazy and wrote down about 3 paragraphs. but it needed only about 4 little points. -_- ah welll. what's done is done. I seriously do hope I still get a C. and if lady luck still likes me, I hope she makes it a B. and if some miracle happens and I get an A, I will kiss my own ass.

next up, chem practicals. which is on thurs. next to suffer on: maths 6, chem p2, bio p1,p2 and p3. after all those are done, I'll be home freeeeee. =D
then I'll suffer again next year. but if I get really good results this year, I'll suffer less next year. so I'll hope I will get good grades. a B will be sufficient.

dear fairy godmother. if you're there, please listen. since you made pinocchio, a wooden puppet into a real boy, could you make me, a boney puppet into a real boy tooo? *.*


Saturday, October 24, 2009

tall people have THE worst height perception.

Have I ever told you the story of when I got circumsized?
Well come here and listen well.

If you think I'm telling you that, you'd have to be CRAZY or just plain SIIIICCKKKK. yuucckkk.
plus, there is no story. unless I had such an amazing hoohoo that it needed a story. HAH! =D

anyways I just realised.
I trip over stuff a lot. not tripping like falling over, face down, but you know. those small falls that you get when you kick something while walking. it's either I'm just super clumsy, or that I'm so tall that some stuff looks farther away to me. and so I accidentally trip over them. =D
I wonder what those small trips are called. journeys. ha-haaaa. lameee.

it has been a boring daayy. maths was boring. chem was even more boring. ths was antah. and then ps. that was okay I guess. then it was 2 hour bio afternoon class. which was crazy boring.
on the way home, I noticed that the weather was spectacular. =D it wasn't hot, but it was a nice shade of warmth. so instead of using the air cond, I lowered the windows and felt the ugly smelling bruneian breeze smacking against my face. and that, ladies and gentlemen, was one of the wonders of today.
and that kept me in a weirdly good mood.
until ameen took the astro card and the internet being crazy ass laggy and ajeeb coming back from ugama. Imagine me, skipping away through my heavenly looking grassland-field when suddenly, jason comes and chops me to pieces. that's them. they're eeeeeeviiiiilll.

oh yeah, and I bet the closest thing si ajeeb will get to a girlfriend, is my cat, salamo. why?
at home, the first thing he grabs is salamo. then talks to it. and then kisses it back to back on its head. and never lets it go. and also laughs with it and looks it in the eyes and stuff. creeeeeeeeepy.
I've heard of incest, but that is just so damn weird.

you know, I think if I added up all the time I've been using for games and for chit-chatting and goofing off with all my friends and blogging, it'd be almost half a year or something. that's half a year that I could've spent learning the guitar or studying or learning a language. or just something productive, like reading stuff. which would've been much more beneficial.
so now, I'd just like to say.... TIME WELL SPENT! =D

I wonder when we'll be checking out our temporary house again.


Thursday, October 22, 2009

I told the witch doctor I want a battle fury too. (dumdumdumdum)

I met marcel for the first time in.... a while. =D
as always, we went to a cybercafe to spend time together. cos that's how we weirdos spend time together. in a cybercafe, building up stress cos we keep dying.
tadi, we keep getting owned by pros marule and wafie. but we got to kill them still cos eventho kami noobs, kami andal. :P RIIIGHHHHTTTTT.
my first dota kill was on wafie. and it was pure kalokness. plus I was using a strong character. so yeah, it wasnt all that great. and I teamed up with marcel so yes, we lost. and we got the highest deaths too. =D we're proud of that cos noone has the balls to want to get highest deaths. xD
the game was this : me and marcel, teaming up macam sitaie. we meet another hero, we run away, if we're lucky. if we weren't, we die. if we were even luckier (which was a one in 10 chance), we get to kill the hero. and then run away.
then second game, I teamed with wafie. and I got killzzss. =D kami pakai characters that we havent used. and mine was fortunately a good one, easy to use. and wafie pakai some mage dude. he was ice, I was fire. he slows people down, I bash em to death with arrows. buuutttt, unfortunately I had to leave early. so I didnt finish the game. and I wanted to play cs or cod with marcell. =[ sorry cellll. next time tah, we play a game that we're actually good at. =D (we'll find a new game, and kill them in that. x])

wafie and me and kill them easy in hawx. heheh.

oooohh. tadi, time bio. our teacher nada so there was a relief teacher. so me, marule, mirul (not merule) and kamal decided to play a little trick on him. since he didnt know us personally, we changed our names. =D
I became kamal,
marule became me,
mirul became marule,
kamal was mirul.
so for the whoooole class, that's who we were. pretttyyy fun. and we kept laughing the whole class. it was pretty hard remembering who you were and not to respond to people calling your name. next time, it'd be mass identity swaps. we just dont know how to tell izz that. x]
and right after the class ends, we went out. and then our bio teacher came up to us and said "azeez, I could hear you laughing from far away ah". and all I could think of as a rebuttal (other than "aannddd?") was "why? were we supposed to be crying?". I hope she took it humorously cos that would sting if it was taken seriously. x]

nothing much happened in school. just normal studying and stuff. and maths is music class. we talk about songs and guitars and also, we sing. a lot. A. LOT.

now I'm off to celebrate half of my weekend. =D


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

have heard of the expression, uhhh... 'FUCK OFF'! >=D

yaayyy. ths 1 is doneee! so the torture of maths questions is becoming less. =D tinggal the difficult maths p6 saja. and after that will be torturous science exams. well, torturous bio exams. but yeah.

so the days so far have been pretty routine. wake up, boring school, come home in the afternoon, laptop, download ps1 games, sleep, wake up, check downloads. repeat.
which apparantly means I have no life. which is sadly true.
I need something to do outdoooors. like football. I like football. football is gooood. keeps me healthy. and fit.

speaking of which, the house I'm moving into, is awesome. =D
one, it's spacey. till our stuff will be moved there. in december, I think.
two, it has a nice, grassy field out in front. large enough for footieball. yay. =D
third, it has centralised air conditioning! like yaaaa.
and four, it's super close to muizz's place! so I can stalk him better. =D nada deh. he's moving anyways. dont know when and where, but he iss. bye muizzz.

i wanna coddd. but the people are always dota-ing. so all I can do is join and be free kills for people. anddd yeah. that's about it.
I want another reunion. x]


Monday, October 19, 2009

my dream is you.

I have the greatest news in the world! I conquered my class in the bio finals! gahahah. who knew I was that good. but it aint that great tho. cos out of all bio students, I ranked 20. =D so it's not such a great greatest news. something. yeah. figure it out yourself, I lost myself.

tomorrow, before and after lunch, I dont have classes. yeah! (Y) cos we dont have chem cos there's practicals tomorrow for the upper sixers. and no afternoon class cos it's ths. =DD so I have 3 or so hours to myself. and maybe some other people. maybe.

ths is nerve racking. cos it looks easy. but in actuality, it is horrible and evil. it's like... chilli sauce hidden in a chocolate bar. the worst thing about the chocolate bar is that, you actually have to eat it. and like it. to get the best out of the whole experience. it's that bad. =\

chem, teacher cut down my past years. instead of me doing sessions at a time (june02, nov 03, etc), she made me do one past year at a time. which is good. and I'm feeling good about chem exams. better than all other subjects. cos now I know that's the only thing which I'm good at. which is sad, really.

and tadi, half of my classes were free periods. =D we had to stay in the classrooms but yeah. that's wayy better than normal studying. x]

I wish tomorrow was my last day of exams. -.-


Sunday, October 18, 2009

we can label our posts????

so, the weekend is over. which is bad news for the lazy people. and good news for workaholics. =D

saturday, we went to nbk to start off the weekend. we played cod awal2. and first game was short cos we forgot to remove the kill limit. second one, I owned. tying up with pro wafie at first place. =D while everyone was having fun with shotguns, rpgs, rifles and grenade launchers, I had gun with my trusty ol' smg and my knife. once, I had a 7-kill killing spree with my knife. all in just a matter of seconds. I knifed marule, then some other guy who tried to kill me, and another, and another till 7 people. and I was so close to a choppa. darnn. but I did get a choppa there. =D I think. oh, and my last kill, right before the timer was up was on wafie. I threw a c4 cos I saw him coming. then he ran into it and BOOM! match ended. and then baru ku sadar because of that kill, I got top place. =D sorry wafiee.
then they played at bloc. which is where snipers lovee. so they all used their trusty snipers and camped. but I, from experience, know that if you arent good with one, dont use it. so I used my trusty smg again. and again, I owned. heheh. got the first choppa too. =D

then dorang main dota and left me allll alone. =[ ah well. went home soon after anyways.

that night, dad brought us to the MOH raya thing. was fun. =D lots of singing. too much I think. best part was when the high ranking people (dad and pehins) were forced to hand flowers to their singing counterparts. and on their way to the stage, they danced. =D funny stuff. it took too long tho. we left at 11+. so yep.

tomorrow, there's GP exams so I'm guessing most classes will be empty for half of the day. so I hope most classes will be cancelled for half of the day. I pray that it will. x]

so goodluck to all exam takers. =]
and score biiiiiigg. =D

today, I woke up at 12 and I had a massive headache. but I finished a chem past year while suffering from it. incredible! p1 pulang saja, but yeah. x] then I slept till 6 and I was all better. =D but because I slept, I had little time to finish em. she gave us chem homeworks too, you see. and I was the only one in my class who was given past year homeworks. so I had normal and past year homeworks to be submitted. how poo-ey is thaaaaat? I've done most so I guess I'm okay. for now. dum dum daaaaaaaa~!


Friday, October 16, 2009

appreaciation dedication. OF MASTUR- whoops.

I'd just like to take up some of the infinite space on my blog for a shout out to the 3 bestest friends in my whole entire world. =]
they are the 3 most important aspects of my life, and whom without, I would have not become the crazy but (kinda) awesome person I am now.
they might be new to my short and weird life, but they'll be in my hearts forever.

who am I talking about? well, right now, they should know. cos they've been annoying me for the last year or so. =]

Give it up, for the 3 life changers!


thanks to all three of you useless items, my life is ruined. you guys are the best! =']

marcel, marule and wafie, you guys are next on the bestfriends list after them. so dont lose hope! who knows, you idiots might go up to the top 3. =D
mun kamu terasa awal-awal atu, perasan banar tah kamu tu. hahahahah!
nada wah. aku sayang kamu jua. but not as much as the top 3! hahahahahah!
mun kamu menyamal, ku cium kamuuuu. yeah, inda pulang ku berani tu. pasal aku tau kamu suka tu. =DDD

(I still mean my stuff. =p) nada wah


Thursday, October 15, 2009

I've got some good news and some other news.

hooraaayyy. one exam down, LOTS MORE TO GO. =D
maths was okay. new questions were out. and so just a few I couldnt do. but it was okay overall. =]

and today was panat. the whole day I was laughing my ass off. -_-
but it was good. it released the stress and nervousness. =D fun fun day. even though it was supposed to be full of stress. x]

so next exam will be next wednesday. which is ths 1.
chem teacher wants me to revise like crazy. so she wants me to do at least 1 chem past year every day. and then just for her to know that I am doing my work, she wants me to pass em up every 4/5 days. ahhh. pure torture.

so this is what I think my grades are for my finals.
Maths - C (confirmed)
Chem - A
Bio - C
Ths - C

anddd. I got highest in bio paper 2! huzzah! and it's the craziest mark in the whole entire world! 48/80. =D arent you jealousss? yeah, I know you arent. I thought it would. -_-

(I circle wafie)
ask him what that means. but you need to say I O Wafie first.


Saturday, October 10, 2009

here's another penny, there's another chance.

today our school had it's raya celebration. started at 10.30. before that, we had class. so it sorta sucked. had maths but teacher brought us to the library to carry and arrange tables. after feeling sweaty, me, marule and wafie escaped the torture and went to the maths class untuk besajuk. then we had chem. supposed to go out at 9.30 but teacher extended it to 9.45. -_- then raya celebration, bla bla bla. started off with speeches and stuff. and then we were alllll very hungry but we had to serve the teachers food first. and watch them eat. then we could eat. butttt I left my table to eat when the teachers were around. cos I thought the whole competition for 'which class has the best table' was pointless. and I was hungry. so yep.

then we went to nbk to release some stress. I had a great start at cod. then I started becoming cawir. so yep.

don't you just hate it when you've done everything you can and to you, you did really well and you're really satisfied but all you get is a 'you used to do better' or 'you can do better than that' or even 'that's good, but not the best'?
I (fucking) do.


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I need an upgrade. *HITS OMNITRIX

sooo. I really really really need to study. cos of the exams. but due to adaptation into lazylife (that's the world I live in now), I can't. that's why I need an upgrade. or an evolution. maybe into a butterfly. so I'll be able so get rid of the laziness. and along the way, get prettier too. and if I get lucky, turn into a transexual. =D

also, I'm thinking all this surgeon thing over. cos I'm doubting the future. *.*
I want to wait for stuff to fall into place but I'm sure not everything will fall into place. cos that, ladies and gentlemen, is life. what is life? life is sucky. so deal with it.

I need a break. it's all going too fasttt. my youth is disappearing. DISAPPEARING I TELL YOU!
but what does life give me? A FREAKING KIT KAT!


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

my dog ate my money so I couldnt buy any papers or pens for my homeworks

today was AWESOME. =D
well the afternoon part saja but yeah.

started off with syat giving me a cookie. and I ate it and drank a tin of coke to make me hyper for bio. which didnt work cos I was still extra sleepy. and teacher caught me by surprise and asked me a question time aku angan2. so I couldnt answer. =D
maths marks were out. I got a 55.4%! to everyone, that's so lame. but to MD maths takers, that's awesome! x] now all that's left are bio marks. paper 2 marks, to be exact. cos paper 1s are already out. I got 2nd highest along with meeji with 25/40. beat that! :D

so I went out with syat to celebrate her birthday. the guys went to nbk to celebrate pol's. both were surprised with cakes. which I supplied. =D and both of which I set up cos the guys were too busy with their games. -_- but muizz couldn't come cos he was busy. =\ ah well. t'was alright anyway.

and now I am the brokeness. yay. =D

tomorrow I've got chem pracs till 2.30. boringgg. theory might be boring but I'd rather do that cos I wanna finish the syllabus.
and I'm still hooked up on tales of destiny cos of wafie. I killed the ice lady! twice! cos the first time, main character froze and didnt get the exp. so I killed her again! hah!

panic in the bedroom.


Monday, October 5, 2009

fuh reee duuummmbbbb!

finals are ovah! bio was crud but I dont careee. =DD

I am freeeee. for a week or so. then I'll be dead again.
so till then, I'll waste my life away with games, food and music. =D that's the life anyone would ever want. x]

tadi I met cg mat zain. at the mall. like whaaaa?
iatah he recognised me so I had to talk to him. I tried to avoid him but it was kinda impossible. -_- and he actually didnt believe I took chem. he talks like I cant handle it. and talks like I cant possibly get an A for it. he treats me, an ex-soas dude, like a freaking idiot! it was incredibly demeaning. and so I just ran away from him. that really sucks man.

anywayyss, tomorrow's the triple threat birthday bash. =D
muizz, pol and SYAT's birthdays. I wish I had something great to surprise them with. I'm bad with these stuff. =\ just horrible.


Sunday, October 4, 2009


tomorrow's the last day of my final year exams. hooray? not really. why?
1) it's bio 2. and since bios 1 and 3 were very bad in terms of paper set up, I'm thinking paper 2 will be worse. and since it carries the most marks, I'm dooooomed. I dont know who made the papers, but they're baaad. =\ I hope they'll be easy questions cos I need em marks.
2) next week, AS exams start off with socio. soon after that, maths 1. which I'm terrible at. so I'm reaaaalllyyy scared. good thing about AS exams is that, since we take only 4/5 subjects, there're looong gaps between subjects. so studying time is long. bad thing is, they're all hard. so yeah, I'm doomed.

i really hate the fact that brunei is a playstation-favoured country. so all the xbox gamers are at a disadvatage. one, games are limited. small range of games and the good ones are usually out of stock. two, xbox was the first to utilise online gaming. but here, since there're little number of xbox gamers, online gaming population is bad. so we have to play with foreigners. and they all say 'the controllers are bad' but I say 'that's cos you're used to ps controllers' and 'the games suck' but I say 'the games are unique'. which is quite true. console games use the analog stick more than the d-pad. xbox controllers makes the analog closer to the edge so you can play better. and the less useful d-pad farther. and the games aree unique. 3 examples:
1) halo - the most popular fps game around for consoles. they say 'what about COD?' it's on ps and xbox. -_-
2) we've got.... the orange box! - which is half life 2, the best fps adventure game ever and team fortress, the most entertaining. they say 'sooo?'. ps doesnt have em so they dont know how awesome they are. =p
3) the originators of ninja gaiden - best all around hack and slash game. they say "ps has ninja gaiden sigma 2!". which is from xbox. -_- and then 'we have god of war!' and I say 'we have ninja gaiden 2!"

then they bring in graphics saying ps has better graphics. buttt do you even notice them while playing? you'll be so absorbed into the game, you wont. heck, go play ps1 games and see if you're more interested in the graphics than the games. -_-

hence, ladies and gentlemen, I say ps might have the better crowd and history, but xbox has the best background. =D
buttt, you might think twice about buying it here. cos of the games. plus, ps3 has the cheaper slim version. and right now in brunei, they have the most games. 3 times more than xbox games actually. so yeah. and I am soooo not a ps hater. just venting out my anger towards the ps-favouritism(sp?).

haaahhhhh. that released my steam. back to studying!


Saturday, October 3, 2009


today, chem and ths marks were out.
chem was crazy. p1, I got 31/40. p2, I got 50/60. p3, I got 32/40. which is reaaaalllyyy crazy. cos I havent had any high marks ever. and my chem p3 was horrible. but yeahh. I am thankful for what I have. =D
ths was not as great. with 12/30 for my p1 and 18/38 for my p2. both with a little bit more marks to get at least 50%. but I think I'll get a C. which is what I'm aiming for to drop it next yah. I think.

i need to study for my bio 2. my bio 1 was horrible. =\ and my bio 3 was a flunk. pffffttt. I hate bio now. -_-

i need something to cheer me uuuuuuuuppp. *.*


Thursday, October 1, 2009


so bored. so I'll annoy people for entertainment.

paramore, I like brick by boring brick and ignorance. I'll try to learn the guitar covers to them cos that's all I do nowadays. so far, paramore's the only band who's style of music hasnt changed much throughout their career. still the dark type of rock that's pretty cool. dont listen much to them but yeah, I think they are pretty awesome. =]
boys like girls, their songs are now pretty messy. cos there're lots of new elements to their songs. cant identify all but I think they have 3 guitars? yeah, maybe. and more effects. their back up vocals do more now too. I think. but they sound awesome. more songs that I love from their album are: contagious, shot heard around the world, chemicals collide and real thing. pure awesomeness. (Y)
mayday parade majorly disappointed me. =\ their old main vocals left to make a new band, go radio, and they got a new one. who I think is trying to sing like the old one. their style changed too. maybe it's cos the drums aren't as pronounced as they were before. to me, they're very different now. it's like... metallica becoming mcfly. that's how different it is. some songs are okay I guess. but i miss the old mayday parade. who rocks hard, not rocks slow. so yeah. I'll try to follow them and see if they take another turn in their style.
I downloaded BEP but I havent listened to many. just I gotta feeling. cos it's just a great song. =D happy song which makes me wanna dance! too bad I cant. x]

oh yeah, ps1 games, now I'm on tales of destiny. it funn. =] hard, but funnn. wanted to download pepsiman, but they dont have em. and panic(k?)it too. and I'm too lazy to look for em now. so yeahh.

I feel sleepy. but I have to stay up. so yeah. I think I'll try mr bean's method; use matchsticks and stick them infront of my eyes.
