Thursday, March 31, 2011


my stinking interviews are oveeerrrrrr!! =DD
and crap was I almost screwed over in it.
you see, they had sent an email to us.
which I did not receive in my inbox.
which contained VALUABLE information about the interviews today.
which I thought contained a "dear mr azeez. interview at 9 at PAPHSRB on thursday. thank you."
so I was like, nyeh, no email, so it's okay.
then today, I arrived, bringing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
so I was like ...O_O........."
thankfully, this dude (who I'm going to call 'the bestest friend I ever had' and gayly, 'my hero') told me before the interview and lent me his spare pendrive.
whilee we were waiting, which thank god was like an hour, I made the presentation.
and I finished. =D but I didnt have time to rehearse. but whatevssss. I made an IMPORTANT presentation under pressure. so shaddup. =p

so there was 13 stations righttt?
from my bestest friend in the world, I found out beforehand that one of the stations was the presentation (but it uses 2 stations cos we needed 5 mins to prepare first), 4 of the stations were reading something followed by 4 stations of people asking about what we read (one of the was acting) and one of the about a picture. so that's... 9? yeah, 9 revealed. somewhat. which maybee sounded great, but... yeah. x]
so I was number 23, and I started from station 2. which was 5 minutes of talking about the country's health services. how they are and the strengths and weaknesses.

then station 3 was watching this video about how this doctor was talking to his patient. nothing much, he makes a few mistakes. the most obvious one is answering the phone while with his patient, and talking about going to the club to 'get smashed'. in my mind I pictured the hulk saying "HULK SMASH!".
then station 4 was interview talking about his wrongs.

station 5 was reading about this team of doctors who wants to help this model with surgery to save her. but the model didnt want no surgery cos it'll scar and she's vain. but they illegally performed the surgery anyways. and they were sued.
station 6, asking about the article. the problems involved and what should be done and what I would've done. the interviewer was happy with my responses. so I think I did well. =]

station 7 was the worstttt. there was these 2 pictures on the japanese tsunami. and the woman was pressuring me "so what's the main problem? so what's the main problem?" and it turned out to be the nuclear thing. and I was likeee..... okay.... didnt know that was the maaiiinnn problem. isn't destroyed towns and houses and everything important too? I guess not. -_- and then she was all "so how can we help? so how can we help?" and I was like... "by sending money?" and then went "how can youuuu help?" then I was like.... "by sending money?" and thenn she went all "tell me the specifics!" and I was like... "by sending money... to the red cross?"
and she was then all "so what can the government do?" and I was like talking about tabung amanah or whatever the name is to donate money and then she was like "and the military?" so I said "maybe we can send the military over there?" then sheee said "no no, the japanese government!" and I was like... when did we talk about that??? then the interview ended. did not think I did well there. -_-
it wanted me to go
Please Control Your Temper Gif - Please Control Your Temper

next iss the presentation! mine was in station 9.
I spend 5 minutes getting my shit straight, and practiced how I'd say it.
but then I found another problem... everything I said was going to be relevant but..... if I did, it was going to take more than 5 minutes! so I had to talk a bit quickly at some parts during the presentation. and then during the presentation.... I talk too little and had a minute left at the last slide! so I just talked about stuff. anddd it went well. the presenter look pleased. especially to my mentioning of the twinning programme during soas years. =D
so I was happy that was over.

station 10 is reading about electrical acupuncture.
station 11, questions regarding the validity of it. people swear by it, but does it work? will I use it? stuff like that. and the interviewer, who was pretty cool, was pretty pleased about talking to me about it. so that went well. =D

station 12, reading about the scene in which I was going to act in. i put my poker acting face on.
station 13, the act was about 'my best friend' who was bulimic. I had to talk some sense to her, etc. wasnt hard. I mean, I used myself as an example. I'm skinny. does shee want to be skinny and unattractive? stuff like that.

thenn I went back to station 1. the interview there was different cos it takes 10 minutes. it was about being a doctor. qualities of a doctor, etc. and the interviewer was foreign. i think he was african. sometimes his accent wasnt comprehendable, but he knew and he repeated. he asked me questions like, how should a doctor be, or act. and about teamwork. he seemed pleased with my answers. so I guess that went well too. =D
and that's the end of my interviews. which took more than an hour. but I survived. =D

so for all that boringness, you get... a movie review! =D

Mars Need Moms
Predictable movie. and I dont know, maybe the art doesnt fancy me. but I just didnt found it that interesting. maybe the jokes? iunno. go watch rango. it's actioney. =D

I got a crapload of albums recently. hopefully, I'll listen to em all and give out a review.
wish me luck. =D
kissie kissie.


Saturday, March 26, 2011

the holidays are over.... FOR THE UNKEWLZ PEOPLES!

hiya theree. =D
sorry I havent been updating for like.. a month.
i just didnt have the mood to. or the ideas. x]
and it looks so sad.

so anyways. here's an update of the latestest and most important news.

first and formost...

Guess What Day it Is!? Gif - Guess What Day it Is!?

have you heard of the song yet???
thenn you're the lucky few who hasnt been brainwashed by rebecca black's song!
here's the video!

what you reaalllyy need to listen to are the lyrics. stuff like "fun fun fun, you know what it is"
like whaaaaa.
but dont be bashing on herr. it's a weird ass song, but whatevahs. =D

next important piece of news.
I passed my undang undang test!
so I'll be starting the driving part very soon. hopefully, next week.
and if I'm fortunate, I'll finish it by early next next week. =]

more important me-news.
I've got an interview for medicine at UBD.
it's at 9 o'clock this upcoming thursday.
so I've been informed that there will be 'stations' during this interview by some biomed people.
the biomed people had 3 stations. each station had different questions. like there was this picture of rat with a human ear and they ask about it. stuff like that.
guess how many stations I get?
5? nope. 6? nope. 7?? nopeee.
so you must feel my enjoyment right now, knowing I have to worry about 13 types of questions the people will be asking. so right now, I'm trying to brush up on general medicine news from BBC. hopefully, it'll help.

nexttt... i've a conditional offer from queen's university in belfast!!! =DDDDD
conditions are proper grades and 2200 score or above in UKCAT test. it's this aptitude test I have to take in july. I really hope I do good on that. my medicine future depends on itttt. x]

so that's enough about me. here's something for youuuu. a movie review! =D
that rhymes too. coolies.

It's pretty dirty for a kiddy movie. which is whyy I like it. =D
I guess this is what you should watch if you're looking for an animated movie to watch or a simple kiddy comedy or if you simply like johnny depp. =D
he has such weird but yet awesome roles.

so I guess that's it for now.
and I'll be playing some futsal this monday. looking forward to that. =]
also, in a totally unrelated note but somehow important to mention to some people, I shaved my moustache. for the first time. wonder why SOMEEEE people think it's such big news. =p


Saturday, March 5, 2011


hey'all! howdy dereee.
iz time for some more blog updation teehee.

so interesting things that happened over the weeek....
ajeeb fell down masa main bula di skulah.
which isn't that interesting.
until you find out that he fractured his collarbone! :OO
so he has to wear that thing to suspend his arm. I'll call it... suspenders.
so yeah, he looks ugly now. even more ugly than before. =D

Crazy Horse Gif - Crazy Horse

other things that's happened....
ooh! me and adib took driving lessons. =D
undang undang lessons. so it was hella boring. our test is this 9th. =D
so I'm excited for that.

and I'm invited for the prize presentation thing in md on the 10th. so a bit excited for that too. =D
just hoping they gave me money or something. cos I gave them good results. =p

oooh. movie reviewss! =D

The King's Speech

Great movie. =D
usually it's like... struggling with basketball or football or something. now it's with stuttering! so it's new. and it's good. =]
tho that's just me. so yeah.

Black Swan
kind of like fight club I guess. but instead of fighting, ballet! :O
still good for me. but not for those wanting a fast paced movie.
