A1 : Eng, MathD, Geo.
A2 : Phys.
B3 : Chem, Bio, Add Math.
C5 : Maleh. (heheheh. at least bukan 6. x])
tiring day it was. we had to finish the 'sijil berhenti sekolah' thing. gots to get signatures from lotsa teachers. so me, marcel, wafie were going round the school.
si marule nadaa. ia ke skulah on monday. =( boo you maruleee. :P
anyways, a situation has arisen.
due to where I live, catchment area law states that I have to go to pte katok. and I'll be alll alone if I do. but it's a cool new school. tapi ada si mat zain. the pms guy. :O and ada cigu zarina jua. geng tuuu. x]
so katok : a fresh new start. again.
md has everyone. most of them good friends of mine are going there. but it's an old, ugly school. just like soas. :D
md : full of loving friends. yuck. hahahaha.
and dad said the minimum for a scholarship is 6As now. so I probably won't be going to uk. sorry to all the tiaras in uk. x]
specially to abang bubui who wants me to get my skinny yellow langsat ass to uk. heheh.
guess aku inda dapat lanja kamu. (YES! =p)
I wonder bila kami start skulah. batah lagi I hope. :D
and the results file masih alum ada. Dx
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