Thursday, January 22, 2009

I know I'll never die alone because of all of you

1) Do you think you're hot?

> nope. do I have to be? =p

2) Upload your favourite picture of you.

3) Why do you like that picture?

> reminds me of all the cool people who are around me. plus it looks awesome. :DD

4) When was the last time you ate pizza?

> last night. capers' pizza.

5) The last song you listened to?

> Let It Roll by All Time Low.

6) What are you doing besides this?

> listening to songs. being bitten by mosquitoes. holding in my pee. sitting down. resisting the urge to watch tv.

7) What name would you like prefer besides you?

> who would want to be named you? =p

I tag ..
i) si KAKA
ii) Muizz
iii) Neesah
iv) Faizan (I know you can't but whatever. :P)
v) someone I don't know. :O

8) Who is number i?

> an uber lame sibling. :D

9) Number iii is having a relationship with?

> herself. >=D

10) Say something about number v?

> I know the person like I know the back of my hand.

11) How about number iv?

> cool, nerdy man.

12) Who is number ii?

> he somtimes pretends to be santa clause.

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