my birthday's in 2 weeks! YEAAHHH!
I'm turning 17. if only I was a year older. I could've gotten my license tarus. xD
what's that? you wanna celebrate with me? :D
nada wah. I'll be out with syat on friday. sunday I'm free tho. for people yang mau lanja. :D
I know, I know. IN MY DREAAAMMSS. but why should I waste a dream on you? =p
school hasnt been so great.
the MPRs are coming up. and I havent been up to par with my old, smart self. now I'm kinda laid back. so i need to get my smart onnn.
THS, we need to write this essay. about what we want to do with conflict in the 21st century. first essay in a year for me. :D now I'm brain storming for points.
any smart people out there, please help me on this. x]
ooh. I joined the health awareness club AND the HIKING club! impossible, isnt it?
I wanted to join the cooking and baking club too. but there were limited members and it clashes with my health awareness club meeting. so yeah. =\
football training so far has been suuuuper tiring. it's always 5 rounds of jogging, then stretching, then play. the 5 rounds are exhausting. x] tho last time, I managed to do it without stopping. so yay for me for getting my fitness back. =D
I'll train with them, but I wont be playing with them. cos I'm not that good at playing. plus, I dont have football boots. x]
sad, I know. a football player without his own pair of boots.
well I'm off to construct my essay now.
I hope I'll be posting more of these. when I get extremely bored. and when the goddamn internet in school is fixed!
and ooh, AS and O and A level results will be out soon.
I'll show you mine if you show me yours. :P
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