Thursday, September 22, 2011

my first MEME!

hello again everyone. =D
yet again, my aim to post everyday has been thwarted.
by the evil doings offff.... school work. *.*
yes, I've started studying. and it has all been very interesting. =]
my ACTUAL lecture theatre
it all started off on monday.
unfortunately, it also started off on the wrong foot cos I freaking came in late. -.-
whyyy you ask? cos my bus was 20 mins freaking late! so yeah.
I almost got a cab. I already called them. but barutah ia datang. so yeah.
first lecture wasnt much. it was an intro to 'Phase 1' which is the first semester of Year 1. it's from now till november.
in december we have a one month school breaakkk. wheeeeeee.
then sambung skulah, we start phase 2. where we start having 2 pbl sessions per week. =\

PBL is Problem Based Learning. its a type of way to study.
they give us this text. like, for examplee. this week kana bagi about this boy who fell down masa main skateboard.
so we list out problems. like, when he fell down, he bled.
so we need to know what happens during an injury. and what happens after.
sooo we have to research about the mechanisms of healing.
thenn we also need to know about the skin. all the cells and layers and all.
and also, when he went to the doctor, he refused to be stiched up.
so we need to know how and when to get consent. in this case, from a child.
and thaaat, peoples. is what I have to do this week.
it is fun. but it's also kinda difficult. x]

the second day!
nothin much hereee. awal pagi ada a Vocational Skills session.
VS is where we study about ethics and communication skills.
we mostly just introduced each other in this class.
next class we get into theory and all. which sounds interesting. =]

patang ada a clinical skills session.
in this CS session we learnt how to measure blood pressure, pulse, breathing rate and temp.
blood pressure was a bit hard for me cos we needed to check the brachial pulse. which is the place that they get your blood from.
my partner, who was this dude, had huge muscular arms. iatah payah cari. -.-
buuuttttt. ujung ujungnya dapat. so yay. =D
nasib mun inda pakai needle. mun inda parai kali ia eh.
hold on sir. i think i found it.... nope. let's try again.
it was horribllleeeeee. been very unlucky.
first offf. I woke up late. which might not mean much to youuu but meee. i wanted to talk to my family and syat. so me up late means no brunei connecting time. =[
thenn jalan to uni to get stuff. I had to queue up arah the bookstore 2 times cos I forgot some stuff anddd there was no medium sized labcoats for me. -.-
then i got an injection from that place where I'm registered to to get medical help. =D
that wasnt so bad. pasal aku karas atu kali. =p riiiiiiiiiiiiigggggggghhhhhhttttttt. kana tumbuk mati kali tarus eh.

thenn makan arah subway. AGAIN. lupa lagi bagi subcard tu. and the one I tried inda brapa.
then I went to the center to deposit some money in my newly made bank account.
tinggal tia jua papers ku ani. -.- so I had to wait kajap for them to get my account info and all. and then depositttt.
thennn, the crazy part starts.

you seeee. my bus is usually late. like, 5-10 mins late. and it only comes TWICE per hour. so if you miss one, you technically screwed yourself in the butt.
this bus which I wanted to ride on (heheheh) was the 12.15 bus. but as I said, it's usually late. so about 12.20+.
i finished at the bank around 12. the train takes 5 mins to get to my stop. I have to walk another 5 mins to get to the bus stop. which leaves me with a 10 minute window. pretty good right? WRONG.
i arrive at the train station. and my ticket was a bit (a lot) crumply.
and I put it in the machineeee. and it says "SEEK ASSISTANCE"
bet it was laughing it me too
so I was all, "whaaaaa"
then I sought assistance.
and this guy antah marah kali. ia buka the thing ganas and tutupnya jua ganas.
so I went doowwnnn. and the train took off right in front of me.
and you know what the sign said?
then the train arrives, got to my station.
all's well right? WRONG AGAIN!
and it was already around 12.17.
so i said, ef it, I'll run through this crap!
I did. my pants were soaking wet.
and I got to the bus stop. =D
butttt. the bus didnt come until 30 mins later.

then I got home. WITH THE NEXT BUS.
showered. ate. went to uni. studied. now I'm home again.
good thing of all that isss.
the heater is on (finally) and I've bought some delicious yoghurt. =D
and that's the story of my week so far.
tomorrow's PBL review so I have to get ready for that. =D

in short,


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