Saturday, April 10, 2010

I. AM. BACK. hello back.

hooraaayy. I'm home.
and I pity ajeeb. cos he wanted 2 games so badly. dynasty warriors and dragon ball.
he bought both.
BUT. due to the regional differences, he cant play those games here.

MY games, on the other hand, works wonders. =D
I bought mass effect 2 and army of 2.
wanted to buy dante's inferno and FFXIII, but those are above 18 games. cant buy em.
still, 2 games are better than 0. =D

mass effect 2 is freaking awesome! cant stop playing that shit.
army of 2 is hardd. but a multiplayer coop game is always welcomed. =D

I feel like playing them againnn. *.*

and again, I bought m&s cookies for those who want em.
first come first served basis. only 3 available! :O
or was it 2. one for me, of course. =p

I need to read up on bio. cos I missed A LOT.
tomorrow I will. need to invite wafie over to make out poster! :O
and tomorrow, 2 tuitions back to back. 5.30 till 8.30. O_O


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