Saturday, April 24, 2010

don't you just hate false alarms?

Tomorrow, I have a maths test. =\
And after my maths test, I have bio practicals.
since I was chosen for the minDEF talk, I have to replace my practicals during my ps. xO
which kinda blows cos I wanted to spend the ps finishing up my bio homework. a few questions left.
and my maths test will be crazy, I'm sure of it. we just finished up our P4 and that's our test tomorrow. a whole P4 paper. :OO
will study tomorrow, on the way to school and during registration. hope we can copy from each other again. but too bad the one beside me is WAFIE. we're both hopeless. so we're both doomed even IF we can copy.
hooray for useless mutualism. (Y)

anyhooo, as promised... A MOVIE REVIEW! (imaginary confetti dropping)

The Hurt Locker
I dont know what to make of this movie. hence, the question mark. critics say it's awesome. it won lots of awards too. BUT. to me, it's something like jarhead. just with bombs. so I don't know. not much of a storyline too. so yeeaaahhhh.

The Blind Side
Coolio movie. about this HUGE sad boy who was outcasted. but was raised by an unexpected family and he became an unexpected star. AND, it's a true story. now he's famoouuussss. =D go watch.

The Men Who Stare at Goats
Funny. =D bends reality as you know it. and the moral of the story is good too. kinda hippy-ish, but super cool. has george clooney in it too. think of.... a hippy who became a jedi. without the lightsaber. just the force. =D

The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus
havent watched this thoroughly. x] when it was playing, I was on my laptop, playing DOtA. will watch this tomorrow, I hope. =D

Rosemary's Baby (review by ajeeb)
ajeeb : not scary at all. has bad scenes. totally not a good movie to watch.
I haven't watched it yet, so I can't give out a review. maybe tomorrow, after dr parnassus. =]

that's all for now. =D


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