Monday, September 6, 2010

I DO have friends who want to go out with me. =D

hola. =D

today was sungkai out day with em dudes.
it was AWESOME. =D
haven't been out with all of em since last year.
marcel and marule slept over the night before. and so we went to gadong together.
went straight to TFF where saiful, nadzuan and najib were already playing.
we stayed there for about 4 hours. playing games.
yes, we have no life.
cept for me. and merule. and saiful.
we've got girlfriends. eheheheh. =p

then kami ke coffee zone at around 5.30. me, marcel, marule and wafie. saja. the others were at other places.
then sungkai, blablabla. the food wasn't half bad actually. much better than when I went to TT blues for sungkai. sure TT blues had lamb, but that's ALL they have. all others were bleakgh.
so yeah, it all went good. =]
not everyone came, but it's alright. there's always a next time.

and good news. extra classes have been cancelled! =D
and replaced with past year homeworks. 6 past years, in fact. but it's all good. holidays are long.
and raya is soon! =D
more moneeyyy. heheh.


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