Thursday, June 24, 2010


My drum mojo is back! =D
I can play them easy - moderate songs. I just need to listen to them properly to get the beat.
but so far so good. =D

summary of today.
ps, ps. normal.
chem, sleeeeepy. as usual.
bio, presentation!
it was alright. nobody seemed to get my seamen joke other than the 3 locos, marule, mirul and kamal. but it's okay. it was all goood.
everybody else's had videos and nice backgrounds to show. I had none. =[
but oh wellll.

maths, mpr. payah. needed help from wafie the whole time. =D
I hope my answers are righttt. x[

saturday, ada a studyrama.
even from it's name, it sounds terrible. but I'm going. for a briefing on health sciences.
then I''ll go HOME! cos it sucks ass. =D

was gonna give a movie review, but my harddrive's aaallllll the way with zaki.
so inda jadiii.
happy weekend!


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