hola.mi nombre es, AZEEZ.
and today, I shall be posting about.... stuff....
oh yeah, hari atu. during the day-of-lots-of-rain, we ate at dim sum. that place near komunis.
and I met faiz. my old bestie. he's tall and skinny. like me. =D
but anyways, that's not the point.
while we were eating, me and ajeeb were bored. and si ajeeb keeps saying "one, two, three, four, five six!". we watched the exorcism of emily rose, and that was there. if you havent watched it before, go watch it and get paranoid.
so anyways, while he was counting like an idiot, I made up rhymes for the numbers.
so we made a game.
whoever can find a random rhyming sentence to the numbers wins.
so when we say one,
we go "you won't be breathing when I'm done".
two, "I will dip your head in poo"
three, "why dont you kiss me?"
four, "your eye looks like kuih mor"
five "are the undead alive?"
six "let's eat some drumsticks"
seven "I'm going to heaven"
eight "g'day, mate!"
nine "your ass is mine!"
oh yeah, something like
ten "i love ben ten!"
isnt accepted because it uses ten as the last word. which is breaking the rules. cos it's repeating the number rhyme. =D
yeah, we were that bored.
so, I forgot what movies I watched with ajeeb. other than the haunting in connecticut and the exorcism of emily rose. so I cant really make a movie review with only that.
but exorcism, I give a 10, for pants shitting scariness. and haunting, I give a 9.5, also for pants shitting scariness. exorcism has a better story to me. but haunting is still good. if you think you cant be scared by them, think again. yeah, you've seen countless horror/ghost movies, but you havent seen this. yet. (6)
school so far has been okay. but the rain has made it cold. AND, since md will have a new science block, part of the school has been shut out for renovations. and tadi, the area around it STANK LIKE CRAP. seriously. so we couldnt stay at our usual hang out spot long cos of the ugly stench. so yeah. the school has got to do something about that.
and ooh, this wednesday, we'll be playing futsal again. yay. =D
ooh, and since the american idol hype is going about again.
do you remember allison iraheta? red haired girl from last year. she got into the top 4 with danny, kris and adam. she released her own album. and to me, it's better than kris' and adam's combined. =D
and I give her album, an 8. cos it's mainly rock. =D and also, it rocks. LAMEEEE!
i think I'll post up kitty pictures tomorrow. if I remember to and feel like it. =]