so today marks the last day of my bio buddy, kamal hassan, to be in MD.
he'll be going to JIS from now on.
so now I'm left in the girls side of the class, all alone.
bye maaallll. I'll miss ya. x[
anywayss, so the june results were out.
big big congratulations to those who did great. =D
those who didn't do so well, well there's the nov Os. do better then. =]
my laptop will be back around this week, dee jay people say. I've been laptopless for over a month cos of them. grrrr. and now, when it's coming back, it's exam season. booo. -.-
it's very very important so there's a very high chance that I wont be updating during said season. so yeah.
what else, what else.
school during puasa is a drag. it keeps me sleepy, hard to concentrate. and now's not the time to not concentrate. it's last minute stuff. revision and stuff. very very important. but yeah, it's been pretty rough.
our ps blocks have been taken up by tadarus. which I think is good for all muslim students. we get to read the holy quran during puasa. which is a major plus. (Y) downside is that our ps is cut down a bit shorter but the pros totally overweigh the cons.
If anyone knows a pill or drug that makes people to stop being lazy, I seriously need it right now. -.-
happy ramadhan everybody. =D
hope all of you get a full month of puasa. even the girls. =D no it aint impossible. =p
so for a month, I (and friends!) will have to pull my (our!) evil-o-meter to a screeching halt.
and my laptop is still in s'poreeee. they said last monday but that's 5 days agoooooo. whyyy? whyy do you torture me like thiss? x[
so now my guitars are my best friends. my acoustic guitar, peaches (cos it's brown, round and girly) and my electric,
dont know what to playy. -.- been jamming with brother on stay together for the kids, swing swing and just the easy parts of beat it. so yeahh.
need to STUDY.
for those of you who count as such:
then something is definitely wrong with you.
other than the obvious eleventy and twelvety, what else is wrong?
I am awfullly tired right now. feels like there're dumbbells hanging on my eyelids.
but why, do you ask do I spend time updating a useless blog instead of sleeping? I myself dont hella know so stop asking. xp
I seriously need to start studying for my future exams. it aint funny mannn. my chemistry is baadd and my bio needs reading up on. need more maths practice and help on some topics and ths is just salt to the wound.
school was normal. hate saturdays.
maths as early period, crap.
chem as continuing period, boring.
ths as after break period, okay.
ps before lunch, spent doing bio.
bio after lunch, till 4.15, TIRING.
brother, bringing me out (by the way, congrats to him for getting his license. you rock (Y)) till almost 6.
ngaji at 6 till about 7.30
so I'm guessing I have to buy metallica after my exams. which is after november. DANGG.
I'm hoping guitar hero 5 will be out too. and I'll buy l4d 2 and cod mw 2 too. for pc. and other good games. like bioshock 2. so many 2s. *.*
I wanna watch year oneeeeeeee.
no matter how different 2 things can be, it doensn't mean they're a bad match.
for example,
apple and grape.
apples are red hard and large. they are the dominant fruit. they are also sweet.
grapes are purple, small, round and soft. they are a bit sour, but sorta sweet. whatever, yeah.
2 very different fruits, but when their juices are mixed, they make one hella crazy taste that makes your tastebuds malfuction because of it's pure awesomeness. yeah. (Y)
so today was kinda a good day. found out that, since lots of ths students got below 50 for the mpr, they changed the marking scheme. I got a C! :D and I got 35%. 20-25 is an E I think. above 50s are As. which is a first for me but yeah. he gave us this assignment. we need to look for any type of article from newspapers or mags about a person being convicted of something, good or bad. cut it out, paste it on paper or something and write something about it. due on saturday. I need to be reminded of this. *nods.
chem pracs were weirdly alright. one whole part of the pracs were cancelled so we were left with 2 others which were sorta okay. =D didnt finish it tho, as usual. and left.
maths, bio, as usual.
bio, note copying. praised for good leadership. chyea right me as the future leader of something. x]
maths, normal crita2. so bohring, that subject. and I finally found my formula sheet after weeks and weeks of looking. it was in my maths file (which is not used, mainly used for decoration) in my locker. =D
I really miss my laptop. -_-
I need nice, easy songs to play on the guitar. cos I don't have my laptop to play with.
and ooh, ajeeb downloaded maple. currently hooked up to that for now.
and the warrior poet will pop up from time to time when he feels like it.
who he is, we will never know.
dear girls.
boys are like durians.
they smell. they're KARAS. and they're thorny and hurtful.
but inside, we're all sweet and soft. like teddy bears.
so take your time to open that shell. =D
something's definitely wrong with me. *nods
yesterday was somehow a weird day.
chem, results were out. I got an A! (Y) 80%. which is awesome. my first A in chem. so happy. and on one of the most important topics too. organic chemistry.
and ths, I got a U. my first U in the history U the universe. thanks, thinking skills. x[
that really stinks.
other than that, school was normal. bio, I ranked 9/70-ish. yay to that too. and I was one mark away to an A. ah well.
and I miss my laptop.
when are you coming baaaacckkk? =[
and now, I'm sad.
and if you did highlight the title and was still looking for the hidden message, I'd spank ya till your right butt cheek disappears.
today is nisfu syaaban. so our whole family puasa. cept for ajeeb. pasal ia 'ada ugama' sama 'ngaleh pasal ugama'. he's like an excuse machine going overdrive. it's in the genes. *nods.
so anyywaayyyss. ths test has been postponed. we're gonna do it this saturday. MCQs, as usual. tadi we did a revision on it. I sucked ass. so I'm guessing I'll die this saturday. =D
chem test tadi was unusually easy. I breezed through most of the questions. cept for that enthalpy thing. atu saya hantam. tapi since most were on organics, which I understood better than enthalpy, it was okay. and that other question about group 2 elements. good thing I read up on that. :D so I'm hoping I'll get my first A in chem. if I do, it'll motivate me enough for the upcoming final year exams and the AS exams. which I'll die in both. x[
so tadi, since we havent seen marcel for a loooooonng time and he was free (he has holidays now, that bastard), we went out with him. =D
kami ke rf. was supposed to go with dorang si pol but they were a no show. so we played amongst ourselves.
first, we played cod. daaammnnn. lama sudah aku inda main. first map, showdown, I sucked. dapat lowest. x] next map, backlot, siuuukk. we went crazy with shotguns. =D and I got highest. next was wet works. I got highest there too. and I got my first C4 kill. on marule. =D i just left it here and there and saja2 latupkan. and kana ia. heheh. then was bog. highest there tooo. or was it wafie. antah. ada one map, only one kill difference between us. -_- so yeah I dont remember.
then we randomly played other games.
like l4d on expert. died on 3rd chapter. and dragonball.
was fun shooting stuff with energy things.
and cs source. kami lama sudah inda main. marule's hella good with the sniper. aku bida. x]
then we went back to cod cos ada orang main jua. and it took us less than 10 mins to get into the top 4. :D marule went on a killing spree. he got 99 kills, then server shut downn. dum dum dummm. wafie 2nd, me third, marcel 4th. we should make a clan. the gae family. we've got a sniper/big mamaman: wafie, marule: crazy killing machine, marcel: the jason of cod and me, rpg-smg man. =D how that'll work, I do not know. but it does. x]
we played till around 5. if only we could all stay late. we could've played till antah. 9 kali. :D it was fun while it lasted. next time lagiiii. xD
and my laptop's waaaaaaaaaayy over in singapore. when will it come baaaaaacckkk? :(
I miss my laptop! =[
I dont have anything to doo at homeee. cept tv and xbox.
tv, I only watch whole line and chowder. those who love weird, random, cute cartoons, go watch chowder. :D i rate it a 10. cos I'm weird.
xbox, I need a new game to obsess on. like GH METALLICA. will wait for a while before buying it. me and brothers are planning to share moolah to buy that package. GH metallica, world tour and metallica guitar. (Y) I'd buy ace combat but that's abang's game. or prototype but arah pc ada. or resident evil 5 but it's too expensive. so yeah.
our bio teacher left us for 2 weeks, so bio is sustituted by my favourite teacher in the world. NOOOO. school will therefore be hell for the next 2 weeks. =[ speaking of bio, I got highest in class again. 37/50. not amazing but good enough. =D
maths, normals. dont know when the mpr is. ths and chem, this wednesday. first and last lessons of the day. boooo. -.-
nothing else to update on. nothing much has been happening.
the proposal, I watched. give it a... 8.9. lots of funny scenes. that's why I like it. the story's predictable tho. so that's why it aint a 9.
life, is boring.