Monday, July 20, 2009

tarikh atas (up-date. LAME)

so I havent updated this thing in weeks kah? antah. I think so. reason is, my laptop keeps crashing. antah napa. figured out how to deal with it I think. if it crashes, wait for a few minutes, start it up as usual. if it still crashes. wait longer. i.e 15-30 minutes or an hour and start normally. then dont play any games. just use the internet or something for like 10-20 minutes then you can start gaming. *nods.

so here's zeezie's movie reviews.

Ice Age 3 : FUNNAY as hell. 9.7/10. :D
why a 9.7 instead of 10? antah. mr mammoth doesn't sound like mr mammoth. to me. maybe it's just me. but it's one hell of a movie. so go watch it if you need some laughs. some jokes are adulterated so go stock up on adult knowledge. =p

Hairy Pot-a 6 :
9.2/10. a good build up to book 7. although lacks the action as the older hp movies, the amusing parts and other stuff are awesome. =D if you're into the books, then go watch it. fav part : ron's 'love-sickness'. SPOILER! x] ev lynch looks as cute as ever. teehee!

so today's israk mikraj. another holiday. yay. =D done my bio homeworks so I'm freee. today our whole family puasa pasal dad suruh. was not gonna tapi antah. then I was gonna go sahur but I was too tired tadi. so inda jadii.
woke up at 12. main the world ends with you on kaka's dsi till like 2. then baru mandi. abis udah the gameee. yay. those who own a ds/dsi/whatever and loves kingdom hearts of final fantasy, GO BUY THAT FREAKING GAME. it's oh-summm. (inda ku tau napa si marule pronounce cani when it's clearly spelled AWE-some. :P)

school has been extraordinarily ordinary. =D
bio pracs ended at 4 on saturday. very very tiring. maths, we have a test on thursday kah saturday tu. the class were arguing with the teacher about the date. me and wafie were fired up on that argument too. about GUITARS and guitar hero! bwaahahaha. totally didnt listen to them that day. maths has now become a session to discuss about food, games and guitars. and movies too. it's like our chatting session that one hour period. =D
ths, gots this presentation to do next next class. on thursday. tomorrow nada class. wednesday discussion. thursday presentation. I think. it's getting harder and more complicated, ths. now we have to make 2 arguments about an argument. and we have to evaluate arguments. sounds soooo easy and fun but not so easy and fun when you have to write em all down. -_-
chem has been the normie the past week. no tests, no short tests, just plain ol note copying and listening to teacher's lecture. and no homeworks too. and it's gotten pretty interesting so I am kept up during class instead of lulled to sleep. like maths. maths is boring. =D

dead space, black guy mati. =( he was torn up into A KAJILLION PIECES. kesian. and I thought he was evil. now he's gone. bye black man. you will always be remembered as that dude who was never there to support us killing monsters physically but was there spiritually. *.*

well it's almost time for sungkai. toodledeedoo!


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