Tuesday, October 18, 2011

that awkward moment when ......

what's aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaapppp. =D

so! straight to the news!
I've got new HUMONGOUS posters! =D
which I bought myself. there was a poster sale. and it was 3 for 10 pounds.
and I was like.... shiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeettttttttttt.
there were lotsa nice ones. i wanted to buy some for the people back home.
there was pulp fiction. i know wafie wants that. =p
anyways, here they are.

my favourite of the bunch. it's got little cute superhero pictures. =D
this is my favourite Superhero Do and Don't. =D

first thing you'd see in my room. =D

another comicky poster! =D
sunday, I went out to play football and netball.
i know. "ha-ha. what a girly ass skinny ass dude. playing netball. hey, why dont you get a barbie doll while you're at it?"
well... you're STUPID.
no, I kid. I just felt like I needed the sports. I havent done much exercise other than walking. I still have yet to go to the gym. I need a gym buddy. x]
anyways, this is what the park where I play football looks like.

that's the park. i didnt take pictures of the field. =p

monday, I got a new haircut!
and when I got in there, I went "so, i need a trim. i dont want it too short"
mr barber replied with "oh no, you dont need a trim. you need a CUT. it's very messy"
so i said "fine. but I dont want it to be too short"
and this is what he gave me.

this week feels pretty relaxed for me. it just mostly learning about the shoulder. i already know the bones. now the muscles, tendons and ligaments. =D
which I hope will be as easy as they sound. x]
first 2 hours research and I've already got 50% down. yeaaahh!

oooh! and tadi was the most awkward VS class yet.
we were studying a bit on body language and stuff like that.
so! we had to do these exercises right.
both my partners were dudes.
that was fun.
that thought us on the importance of silence in a conversation. damn, silence. didnt know you were scary!

almost made it a twilight moment
next exercise. i have to explain to my 2 buddies there about this funn time i had.
but here's the fun part. my hands have to be under my legs.
and I decided to tell them about the time i was in a simulator.
which was like a stationary roller coaster.
how do i describe the movements?
moving around my body like a scarecrow in a hurricane.
yep. that was fun.
next exercise cali.
one of my friends had to tell a sad story right. but he has to tell it to my other friend.
but my other friend was instructed to not give a shit. so he sat there looking at other people. yawn. look down. and my friend who was explaining, got discouraged a bit. so he slowed down his story.

nextttt exercise is the awkwardest ever.
so. i pair up with someone else.
a dude, of course.
then, i have to hold their hands.
think that's awkward? well, hear the next part.
i need to KNOW his hands. so i had to feel around and crap.
and we were like, ugghhh. hahahah.
then the exercise is, half of us close our eyes and we have to identify our partner's hand.
that was to show the importance of a handshake. to see if you can figure out the person from his hands.
that wasn't awkward at allll.


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