Monday, August 9, 2010

I don't drive a mercedes, but would it be that hard?

the weekend is oveerrr.
and another torturous week is beginning.
but this week has something good. a holiday! =D
ramadhan is comingg. so eat up and fatten up. cos fasting will take a toll on that belly of yours.
I don't even have a belly to start with. so I'll be alright. heheh.

but with good news always comes bad news. don't you agree? no? WHATEVER. =p
anyways, mocks is exactly a week away. will be starting off with bio p4 (I think).
I've studied about a quarter of bio. which is good progress.
then maths p3 and p4 in ONE DAY.
am alright in both papers but that won't get me an A.
then chem p4. which we're revising in class.
so I just have to focus on my bio.
I'm using ps for bio now. which to me is a very good improvement.
I just hope I can keep it up. x]

wish me luck!

and yesterday, we went to play some futsal with brother's girlfriend's cousins. they had a family day but inda cukup orang for futsal. so we joined.
it was funn. =D
been loooooooooooooooooooong since I played. so of course I sucked, in case you were wondering.
no goals, but I set up my brothers and the other people for goals. pasal aku baik. (A)

and results will be out soon.


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