Sunday, August 22, 2010

dreams doo come true. *.*

hello peopleX. =D

today, we took a family photo of the whole dad's side punya family.
we try to do this every summer, when semua orang ada. so that the picture will be complete. =D
last we did this was a decade ago. :O
so yeah.
kami gambar arah jame asr' mosque.
arah those stairs. the one you can see from the road.
we had to wake up early for it tho. which is what me and my brothers despise. =D
and we were the earliest to arrive.
was fun tho.
I'll post a picture of it as soon as I find our camera. x]

will be going to school tomorrow.
to sort out my statement of entry and to get my statement of result from my teacher.
and to ask my bio teacher stuff about paper 5.
we're having the exam on tuesday.
we just learnt about it yesterday.
awesome, isn't it? =D

also, I need a haircut.
my hair's becoming increasingly and annoyingly curly.
so yeah.
plus, raya's comingg.
so I need to look good. =D


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