Friday, August 6, 2010

i kill you. i kill you hard.

today has been more of a =\

in the morn, bangun at round 7.30, mandi, ikut my cousin ke skulah.
he slept over, and ia ada kraja today. (he's old...-er)
and since ia biasa jalan ahir to his work (it's in the genes), and I don't want to come really early, I just hitched a ride with him.
ada bio extras in school. so I had to go.
and half of the class saja datang. so it was kinda dull.
scratch that, it WAS dull. but I tried to make the most of it.
my BIG mistake wasss... aku inda bawa my headphones. cos I thought "extras today mesti ramai orang. and even if I do bring it, I won't use it cos we'll be listening a lot"
that taught me to try to be rajin. -_-
it was note copying for an hour plus. O_O
music would've woken me up like a sucker punch to the gut.
but it's okay, I learnt stuff. so it's all gooood.
and I have less notes to copy. for tomorrow.
yes, we didn't finish copying for that 1 hour. we need to finish it tomorrow, during ps. -.-

and theennnn.
I played 3 and half rounds of DoTA today.
I won 1.
then I played this round and I was OWNING.
(extra info for DoTA players: I was using centaur level 18, finished up my vanguard and perserverance and was just gonna buy my kelen's)
the half round, I got bored halfway.
then guitar herooo. I played stupid hard songs.
then main bulaaaa. with ajeeb. good exercise.
then main DoTA lagi.
and I was OWNINGG.
(more extra info: here pakai ezalor level 17, dagon level 2, was just gonna upgrade it and finish my mekansm)
so I stopped playing.

and oh, kami makan arah this restaurant in the morn. lapas bio.
called restaurant firdaus.
it's been like a decade since we last ate there. *.*
it was our favourite restaurant back in the day.
they had the BEST soto.
other than my mom's. heheheh.
nothing's changed in that place. the same tables, chairs, even this weird random painting which is a mix of brunei, disneyland, mickey mouse and some stalls and crazy people.
but you know what changed?
the soto.
it sucked. -_-
the noodles sucked, specifically.
the soup was superfreaking tasty! =D
but yeahhh. it was a good experience.

so that sums it up for todayy.
good day to you,
and happy weekend. =D


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