Saturday, March 26, 2011

the holidays are over.... FOR THE UNKEWLZ PEOPLES!

hiya theree. =D
sorry I havent been updating for like.. a month.
i just didnt have the mood to. or the ideas. x]
and it looks so sad.

so anyways. here's an update of the latestest and most important news.

first and formost...

Guess What Day it Is!? Gif - Guess What Day it Is!?

have you heard of the song yet???
thenn you're the lucky few who hasnt been brainwashed by rebecca black's song!
here's the video!

what you reaalllyy need to listen to are the lyrics. stuff like "fun fun fun, you know what it is"
like whaaaaa.
but dont be bashing on herr. it's a weird ass song, but whatevahs. =D

next important piece of news.
I passed my undang undang test!
so I'll be starting the driving part very soon. hopefully, next week.
and if I'm fortunate, I'll finish it by early next next week. =]

more important me-news.
I've got an interview for medicine at UBD.
it's at 9 o'clock this upcoming thursday.
so I've been informed that there will be 'stations' during this interview by some biomed people.
the biomed people had 3 stations. each station had different questions. like there was this picture of rat with a human ear and they ask about it. stuff like that.
guess how many stations I get?
5? nope. 6? nope. 7?? nopeee.
so you must feel my enjoyment right now, knowing I have to worry about 13 types of questions the people will be asking. so right now, I'm trying to brush up on general medicine news from BBC. hopefully, it'll help.

nexttt... i've a conditional offer from queen's university in belfast!!! =DDDDD
conditions are proper grades and 2200 score or above in UKCAT test. it's this aptitude test I have to take in july. I really hope I do good on that. my medicine future depends on itttt. x]

so that's enough about me. here's something for youuuu. a movie review! =D
that rhymes too. coolies.

It's pretty dirty for a kiddy movie. which is whyy I like it. =D
I guess this is what you should watch if you're looking for an animated movie to watch or a simple kiddy comedy or if you simply like johnny depp. =D
he has such weird but yet awesome roles.

so I guess that's it for now.
and I'll be playing some futsal this monday. looking forward to that. =]
also, in a totally unrelated note but somehow important to mention to some people, I shaved my moustache. for the first time. wonder why SOMEEEE people think it's such big news. =p


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