Sunday, January 9, 2011

need. a. license. *.*

good afternoon everyone. =D
have you ever seen afternoon as after-noon? as in, selepas tengah hari.
weird. the word. and my malay. i havent done anything malay-related in a long time.
no wonder I'm so happy! =D

so miri trip was cancelled. =\
so no origami paper for me.
does anyone know if anyone sells them here? it would be of great help to me. =]

nothing much to update onn.
sister came home on thursday and brought us our games. =D
of which one had the region problem. it can't be played here.
but at least it's not one of the important games.
and then, the next day, we went out to swensens cos si kaka mau.
then, me and ajeeb went to the game shop and saw.... $20 original games! :O
so we bought one. heheheh.

I may be watching a movie this wednesday. so hopefully I'll make a movie review after that.


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