Wednesday, April 20, 2011

finally, I'll become.... A MAN!

ellow ellow.
so it's beeeenn... 2 weeks? since my last post.
so yeah, neww news for ya.

first off, I just had my my driving test in the morning.
with the awesomest examiner evaarrr!
ia bawa aku shortcuts around the course and also on the road. =D
theeennnn. ia tarus pass kan aku! yeaahhh. awesome. =D
so by this saturday, I'll have my license!
so you know what thaaat means....

nexttt... last friday, I went to a trip to miri with the family.
I did nothing. cept follow my parents around looking at furnitureeee. *.*
so I could've stayed home and did the exact same thing. in the comfort of my bed and blankies.
I felt reaaaalllyyy unproductive that day. so i was a bit upset. cos I had MIB work to do. for the upcoming MOE scholarship interviews. so yeaaahhh.
but it's all goood. i did my work. still more to be done, but that's something. =]

speaakingg of unproductivity, this attachment thing to RIPAS is taking too long to start.
I want to get it over withhh. if it's not happening, then I want to take... a job! *.*
cos this holiday thing needs more money than I expected.

hmmmm.... nothing interesting happened over the weeeeks.
other than me, learning how to drive. and get overtaken by a FREAKING BUS.
so here's a movie review.

Normal movie. funny parts here and there, lame parts here and there. but the difference isss. I watched it in 3D! :O
which was.... not as exciting as I hoped. so it was partly disappointing.
I guess, if you're up for a movie trip, this is one to go for? unless you want to watch the BIEBMASTER. ewwey.

orrrr. you can just look at these cutest animulz in the entire worldddd!

cute baby animals - WORST. BATH. EVER.
see more Daily Squee


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