Wednesday, May 18, 2011

MOE interview!

hey all. =D
so I had my MOE scholarship interview today.
I read a butt load of stuff for it. memorised lots of stuff too.
like, nama menteri kesihatan? Yang Berhormat Pehin Orang Kaya Johan Pahlawan Dato Seri Setia Haji Adanan bin Begawan Pehin Siraja Khatib Dato Seri Setia Haji Muhammad Yusof.
no copy pasting there. all brain work.
and so I was ready mentally for MIB questions. I memorised kuih kuih brunei, perambahan brunei, what happens during a wedding and all that.

I got there early. my interview was supposedly at 3.20, but I knew some people would take longer, so maybe 3.30. I got there by 2.50. and started revising and all.
then ada this chinese guy rush masuk with his MS folder with all his certs. then I talked to him and ia cakap ia tadi tinggal certs nya so ia rush balik. kesian. x]
so he went in before me. by 3.30, he told me it was my turn.
and theennnnn. there was only 1 interviewer. a lady. late 40s maybe. i was expecting at least 3. so I'm like, okay. it's all goooood.
and turns out, she didnt ask me ANY crazy mib questions! O_O

Dont Judge Gif - Dont Judge
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she asked me why meds, and what specialty will I be taking.
and I'm like, meds is awesome and I talked about my interview. she was impressed with it, so I talked about that more. it was going well.
then I had to read a text. reading reading, azan tiaaa. so I asked to stop skajap for the azan. hope I got extra points from that. =p
then, sambung baca, I didnt really understand the text. x] but I answered 2 out of 4 of her questions easily. the others, ia mesti explain sikit. thennn I could understand.
then ia tanya about why ECAs are important and traits a leader should have.
breezed through that. and that was my interview. =D

and to prepare, I took a few days off from my attachment. so I'm free till saturday. =D
which meansss.... LOL for meeee! yay. =D
I might be going to watch some pirates of the caribbean this sunday. so maybe I'll post a movie review. =]
hopefully, it'll be as cool as balls! like this!

This Would Hurt A Lot Gif - This Would Hurt A Lot
ooh! during my attachment, I saw something cooool.
I watched my first biopsy. =DD
it's where they take out a sample of a tumor or something to study.
and I watched the wholeee thing. the multiple injections at the beginning, then the cut, then more cuts, then cutting off a slice of tumor, thenn jait balik. it was very interesting. =]
i was supposed to go watch a bi-lateral cleft lip repair (how doctor-y do I sound? =p) surgery yesterday, but I had to study. it would've been veerrryyyyy interesting. but yeah, scholarship before attachment.
maybe next week. and hopefully, I can take pictures or something. would be great to post disgusting pictures of blood and organs for y'all. =p

tilll next time.

ooh! more reasons why I love sloths!

Sloth Getting Some Help Gif - Sloth Getting Some Help
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Wednesday, May 11, 2011


alloe alloe.
so it's been like...3 weeks since I last updated? or something like that.
buutttt that's because I've been busyyy. =D
getting a driver's license and all has made me a busy busy man.
so let's get started.

first off, I've started 'working out'
but not in the way that'll make me buff.
but in the way that'll make me fit, yet gain appetite. =D
which involves swimming, eating, jogging anddd playing futsal.
hopefully, it goes well.

secondly, I just went for my first day of attachments! =D
it was veerrryyyy interesting.
unfortunately, I cant share any good stories with you guys. especially embarrassing ones. and let me tell you, there wereee. ehhheheheheheh.
but I've learnt lots of things.
like, did you know, in order to qualify to be an Oral and Maxillo Facial (OMF) specialist you need to have a degree in medicine AND dentistry? which is 5 MORE years of learning. which is crazy! and you know about kidney stones? well do youu know about SALIVARY GLAND STONES??? you do? oh, okay then.
so yeah, stuff like that. and I also participated innnn..... LAZOR-ING SCARS! :OO that was fun. I watched how the doctors lazered bulged scars and injected them to flatten them. and learn how they work. fun.
tomorrow I've another day in RIPAS. so I hope that'll be fun as well. =]

last night, we went to JPCC Ampitheatre to watch that chinese arts thing! :D
that was.... partly fun. it featured TONS of crazily gifted people. so it was entertaining.
i just wished there more features. like a hugee screen showing animations or a close up of that crazy flute lady's fingers while she was playing the flute. that'd be fun....
but anywaysss, if I were to rate it, I'd give it a solid 9! it was entertaining, but there was that lip-synching group...... so yeah. =D

I wasss planning on giving you a movie review, but it's of thor. and you've watched that shit right? it's awesome. 9/10.
so instead of that, here's a picture of epic cuteness!
