I don't know what I'm gonna do tomorrow.
the debating and stuff looks so freaky mann!
LOADS of smart people in my forum.
everyone was really serious in making their resolutions.
I was just suggesting this and that. pfffftt.
on top of all of that, I had to redo my opening speech.
turns out I need to include this other point in my speech.
so I had to redo the whole thing and it turned out to be longer than the original one.
the whole thing was less than a minute long fortunately but I do have to speak faster. mcm kaling. HAHA.
met some new friends today.
did lotsa dumb stuff with em too.
looks like I'll be sticking round with them during the whole BGIC thing. :D
god, I'm really blank on what I have to do tomorrow.
AND, I have to come to school earlier than normal.
before 7, to be exact.
why DID I join this thing in the 1st place! *runs around in circles.
let's just hope nothing weird happens tomorrow. =/
I'll try and get pics. (: